color library python

colour PyPI. Color("red") ## human, web compatible representation Color(red=1) ## default amount of blue and green is 0.0 Color("blue", hue=0) ## hue of blue is 0.66, hue of red is 0.0 Color("#f00") ## standard 3 hex digit web compatible representation Color("#ff0000") ## standard 6 hex digit web compatible representation Color(hue=0, saturation=1, luminance=0.5) Color(hsl=(0, 1, 0.5)) ## full 3-uple HSL specification Color(rgb=(1, 0, 0)) ## full 3-uple RGB specification Color(Color("red")) ## recursion.

colour  PyPI
colour PyPI from

Very simple Python library for color and formatting in terminal. Collection of color codes and names for 256 color terminal setups. The following is a list of 256 colors for Xterm, containing an example of the displayed color,.

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